資安媒體 Bleeping Computer 引述微軟(Microsoft)部落格文章,近日安全團隊發現全新遠端存取木馬 StilachiRAT,以高級技術規避檢測並竊取敏感數據。StilachiRAT 透過 WWStartupCtrl64.dll 模組運作,攻擊加密貨幣錢包及系統訊息。雖然傳播範圍有限,微軟也公布威脅指標及防禦建議,協助減低風險。暫未確認攻擊者或來源地。
Microsoft Incident Response researchers uncovered a novel remote access trojan (RAT) that demonstrates sophisticated techniques to evade detection, persist in the target environment, and exfiltrate sensitive data. https://t.co/MJARVBz2zd
— Microsoft Threat Intelligence (@MsftSecIntel) March 17, 2025
StilachiRAT 功能強大,能提取 Google Chrome 瀏覽器儲存的憑證,監控剪貼簿密碼及加密貨幣密鑰,並收集系統硬體資訊及活躍的遠距桌面協議(RDP)對話數據。可竊取 Coinbase、MetaMask 等 20 種加密貨幣錢包擴展程式的數位資產。StilachiRAT 木馬用 Windows 服務控制管理器(SCM),並透過「看門狗線程」確保程式終結後會自動重啟。
微軟建議用戶從官方來源下載軟體,並啟用支援 SmartScreen 的瀏覽器,同時為 Office 365 搭配 Safe Links 及 Safe Attachments。
- Microsoft: New RAT malware used for crypto theft, reconnaissance
- StilachiRAT analysis: From system reconnaissance to cryptocurrency theft
- Microsoft Warns of StilachiRAT: A Stealthy RAT Targeting Credentials and Crypto Wallets
(本文由 Unwire HK 授權轉載;首圖來源:shutterstock)